

EDIT: This round of testing was stopped prematurely due to bug in OFI layer. New OFI patch applied, DAOS updated, new round of testing began 12-11.

Tip of master, commit 3ea6a5ea256d9047e76a4c52cec1fc1d1f81540d

All tests run with ofi+psm2, ib0.

daos_test: Run with 8 server (boro-[4-11]), 2 client (boro-12,16). Killed servers, cleaned /mnt/daos in between runs listed below.

Tests requiring pool to be created via dmg used 4GB pool. These used boro-12 as client.

mpich tests used boro-4 as server, boro-12 as client, with a 1GB pool.

Tests used 8 xstream/server.

Test Results


Separate runs with cleanup in between:

  • -mpcC - PASS
  • -A - FAIL
  • -r - 
  • -e - FAIL
  • -i - FAIL


1K Records



4K Records


IOR, 40GB pool, data verification enabled







CaRT Self-Test

Small IO

[sdwillso@boro-4 daos_m]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes 0 --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 100000
Adding endpoints:
  ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
  tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
  Group name to test against: daos_server
  # endpoints:                1
  Message sizes:              [(0-EMPTY 0-EMPTY)]
  Buffer addresses end with:  <Default>
  Repetitions per size:       100000
  Max inflight RPCs:          16

host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 12.910493 S.
Results for message size (0-EMPTY 0-EMPTY) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):

Master Endpoint 0:0
	RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.00
	RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 7746
	RPC Latencies (us):
		Min    : 734
		25th  %: 1952
		Median : 1963
		75th  %: 1977
		Max    : 388756
		Average: 2048
		Std Dev: 4864.98
	RPC Failures: 0

	Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
		0:0 - 1963

Large IO Bulk PUT

[sdwillso@boro-4 daos_m]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes "0 b1048576" --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 1000
Adding endpoints:
  ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
  tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
  Group name to test against: daos_server
  # endpoints:                1
  Message sizes:              [(0-EMPTY 1048576-BULK_PUT)]
  Buffer addresses end with:  <Default>
  Repetitions per size:       1000
  Max inflight RPCs:          16

host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 0.280312 S.
Results for message size (0-EMPTY 1048576-BULK_PUT) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):

Master Endpoint 0:0
	RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 3567.45
	RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 3567
	RPC Latencies (us):
		Min    : 1951
		25th  %: 4420
		Median : 4441
		75th  %: 4467
		Max    : 5370
		Average: 4436
		Std Dev: 212.34
	RPC Failures: 0

	Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
		0:0 - 4440

Large IO Bulk GET

[sdwillso@boro-4 daos_m]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes "b1048576 0" --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 1000
Adding endpoints:
  ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
  tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
  Group name to test against: daos_server
  # endpoints:                1
  Message sizes:              [(1048576-BULK_GET 0-EMPTY)]
  Buffer addresses end with:  <Default>
  Repetitions per size:       1000
  Max inflight RPCs:          16

host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 0.268608 S.
Results for message size (1048576-BULK_GET 0-EMPTY) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):

Master Endpoint 0:0
	RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 3722.90
	RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 3723
	RPC Latencies (us):
		Min    : 2102
		25th  %: 4242
		Median : 4262
		75th  %: 4291
		Max    : 5572
		Average: 4249
		Std Dev: 205.66
	RPC Failures: 0

	Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
		0:0 - 4262

mpich tests

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