Tip of master, commit 267fa2c1343f5f72a36d5a673c7c880143fee0fe
All tests run with ofi+psm2, ib0.
daos_test: Run with 8 server (boro-[4-11]), 2 client (boro-[12-13]). Killed servers, cleaned /mnt/daos in between runs listed below.
Tests requiring pool to be created via dmg used 4GB pool. These used boro-12 as client.
mpich tests used boro-4 as server, boro-12 as client, with a 1GB pool.
Test Results
Separate runs with cleanup in between:
- -mpcCAeoRd - PASS
- -i - FAIL, still rebuilding on IO27 after 10 minutes
- -r - same as -i
- -O - PASS
1K Records
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi -np 1 -quiet --hostfile ~/scripts/host.cli.1 --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt -x DD_SUBSYS= -x DD_MASK= -x D_LOG_FILE=/tmp/daos_perf.log daos_perf -T daos -P 2G -d 1 -a 200 -r 1000 -s 1K -C 1 -t -z
Test :
DAOS (full stack)
Parameters :
pool size : 2048 MB
credits : 1 (sync I/O for -ve)
obj_per_cont : 1 x 1 (procs)
dkey_per_obj : 1
akey_per_dkey : 200
recx_per_akey : 1000
value type : single
value size : 1024
zero copy : yes
overwrite : yes
verify fetch : no
VOS file : <NULL>
884d80cb: rank 1 became pool service leader 0
update successfully completed:
duration : 95.735795 sec
bandwith : 2.040 MB/sec
rate : 2089.08 IO/sec
latency : 478.679 us (nonsense if credits > 1)
Duration across processes:
MAX duration : 95.735795 sec
MIN duration : 95.735795 sec
Average duration : 95.735795 sec
884d80cb: rank 1 no longer pool service leader 0
Getting issue details...
- Bug is fixed in patch that's not yet merged to master
4K Records
Getting issue details...
- Bug is fixed in patch that's not yet merged to master
IOR, 50GB pool, data verification enabled
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -x FI_PSM2_DISCONNECT=1 -N 1 --hostfile ~/hostlists/daos_client_hostlist --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt ior -v -W -i 1 -a DAOS -w -o `uuidgen` -b 5g -t 1m -- -p 0a410b8a-327c-4c71-8ba7-4230f390cd7d -v 1 -r 1m -s 1m -c 1024 -a 16 -o LARGE -e 1
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS statfs call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS mkdir call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS rmdir call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS access call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS stat call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS statfs call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS mkdir call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS rmdir call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS access call.
ior WARNING: assuming POSIX-based backend for DAOS stat call.
IOR-3.1.0: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began : Thu Sep 27 22:08:13 2018
Command line : ior -v -W -i 1 -a DAOS -w -o 4d47861b-127a-4693-8640-daa713492938 -b 5g -t 1m -- -p 0a410b8a-327c-4c71-8ba7-4230f390cd7d -v 1 -r 1m -s 1m -c 1024 -a 16 -o LARGE -e 1
Machine : Linux boro-12.boro.hpdd.intel.com
Start time skew across all tasks: 14690266.15 sec
TestID : 0
StartTime : Thu Sep 27 22:08:13 2018
Path : /home/sdwillso
FS : 3.8 TiB Used FS: 13.5% Inodes: 250.0 Mi Used Inodes: 3.0%
Participating tasks: 2
api : DAOS
apiVersion : DAOS
test filename : 4d47861b-127a-4693-8640-daa713492938
access : single-shared-file
type : independent
segments : 1
ordering in a file : sequential
ordering inter file : no tasks offsets
tasks : 2
clients per node : 1
repetitions : 1
xfersize : 1 MiB
blocksize : 5 GiB
aggregate filesize : 10 GiB
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
Commencing write performance test: Thu Sep 27 22:08:14 2018
write 4484 5242880 1024.00 0.061408 2.20 0.027056 2.28 0
Verifying contents of the file(s) just written.
Thu Sep 27 22:08:16 2018
remove - - - - - - 0.000067 0
Max Write: 4483.50 MiB/sec (4701.29 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggs(MiB) API RefNum
write 4483.50 4483.50 4483.50 0.00 4483.50 4483.50 4483.50 0.00 2.28393 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 5368709120 1048576 10240.0 DAOS 0
Finished : Thu Sep 27 22:08:25 2018
Time: 0.111761 seconds (894.766019 ops per second)
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi --hostfile ~/hostlists/daos_client_hostlist --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt daosbench --test=kv-dkey-update --testid=1 --svc=1 --dpool=14d8f2ac-1674-4b7a-9098-7d08ec97b765 --container=`uuidgen` --object-class=tiny --aios=32 --indexes=1000000
Started at
Thu Sep 27 22:36:22 2018
Test Setup
Test: kv-dkey-update
DAOS pool :14d8f2ac-1674-4b7a-9098-7d08ec97b765
DAOS container :aaccf0b3-c2c2-4c47-a047-6d2f086db318
Value buffer size: 64
Number of processes: 1
Number of keys/process: 100
Number of asynchronous I/O: 32
Time: 0.111761 seconds (894.766019 ops per second)
Ended at Thu Sep 27 22:36:24 2018
Time: 0.069325 seconds (1442.472191 ops per second)
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi --hostfile ~/hostlists/daos_client_hostlist --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt daosbench --test=kv-akey-update --testid=1 --svc=1 --dpool=007ae409-5ee1-48d7-8dd6-4512320b52df --container=`uuidgen` --object-class=tiny --aios=32 --indexes=1000000
Started at
Thu Sep 27 22:48:57 2018
Test Setup
Test: kv-akey-update
DAOS pool :007ae409-5ee1-48d7-8dd6-4512320b52df
DAOS container :e6c187ad-e8d7-4529-94d4-c357a1c04aee
Value buffer size: 64
Number of processes: 1
Number of keys/process: 100
Number of asynchronous I/O: 32
Time: 0.069325 seconds (1442.472191 ops per second)
Ended at Thu Sep 27 22:48:59 2018
Time: 0.073648 seconds (1357.817264 ops per second)
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi --hostfile ~/hostlists/daos_client_hostlist --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt daosbench --test=kv-dkey-fetch --testid=1 --svc=1 --dpool=bd2bd088-d733-4396-963d-6d111815d4af --container=`uuidgen` --object-class=tiny --aios=32 --indexes=1000000
Started at
Thu Sep 27 22:53:30 2018
Test Setup
Test: kv-dkey-fetch
DAOS pool :bd2bd088-d733-4396-963d-6d111815d4af
DAOS container :31748073-6e16-45ba-8055-568ba5cacec2
Value buffer size: 64
Number of processes: 1
Number of keys/process: 100
Number of asynchronous I/O: 32
Time: 0.073648 seconds (1357.817264 ops per second)
Ended at Thu Sep 27 22:53:31 2018
Time: 0.041221 seconds (2425.952090 ops per second)
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 --mca mtl ^psm2,ofi --hostfile ~/hostlists/daos_client_hostlist --ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt daosbench --test=kv-akey-fetch --testid=1 --svc=1 --dpool=b294bab3-64b9-4ad5-a69a-649de9435a8f --container=`uuidgen` --object-class=tiny --aios=32 --indexes=1000000
Started at
Thu Sep 27 22:55:49 2018
Test Setup
Test: kv-akey-fetch
DAOS pool :b294bab3-64b9-4ad5-a69a-649de9435a8f
DAOS container :5a3543e3-b34d-4651-aafa-84f9a8188d22
Value buffer size: 64
Number of processes: 1
Number of keys/process: 100
Number of asynchronous I/O: 32
Time: 0.041221 seconds (2425.952090 ops per second)
Ended at Thu Sep 27 22:55:51 2018
CaRT Self-Test
Small IO
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes 0 --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 100000
Adding endpoints:
ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
Group name to test against: daos_server
# endpoints: 1
Message sizes: [(0-EMPTY 0-EMPTY)]
Buffer addresses end with: <Default>
Repetitions per size: 100000
Max inflight RPCs: 16
host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 19.491496 S.
Results for message size (0-EMPTY 0-EMPTY) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):
Master Endpoint 0:0
RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 0.00
RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 5130
RPC Latencies (us):
Min : 1130
25th %: 3054
Median : 3076
75th %: 3109
Max : 12992
Average: 3086
Std Dev: 89.24
RPC Failures: 0
Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
0:0 - 3076
Large IO Bulk PUT
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes "0 b1048576" --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 1000
Adding endpoints:
ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
Group name to test against: daos_server
# endpoints: 1
Message sizes: [(0-EMPTY 1048576-BULK_PUT)]
Buffer addresses end with: <Default>
Repetitions per size: 1000
Max inflight RPCs: 16
host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 0.337017 S.
Results for message size (0-EMPTY 1048576-BULK_PUT) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):
Master Endpoint 0:0
RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 2967.21
RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 2967
RPC Latencies (us):
Min : 2246
25th %: 5317
Median : 5341
75th %: 5364
Max : 6259
Average: 5325
Std Dev: 254.84
RPC Failures: 0
Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
0:0 - 5341
Large IO Bulk GET
[sdwillso@boro-4 ~]$ orterun -np 1 -ompi-server file:~/scripts/uri.txt self_test --group-name daos_server --endpoint 0:0 --message-sizes “b1048576 0” --max-inflight-rpcs 16 --repetitions 1000
Adding endpoints:
ranks: 0 (# ranks = 1)
tags: 0 (# tags = 1)
Warning: No --master-endpoint specified; using this command line application as the master endpoint
Self Test Parameters:
Group name to test against: daos_server
# endpoints: 1
Message sizes: [(1048576-BULK_GET 1048576-BULK_PUT)]
Buffer addresses end with: <Default>
Repetitions per size: 1000
Max inflight RPCs: 16
host boro-4.boro.hpdd.intel.com finished self_test duration 0.573731 S.
Results for message size (1048576-BULK_GET 1048576-BULK_PUT) (max_inflight_rpcs = 16):
Master Endpoint 0:0
RPC Bandwidth (MB/sec): 3485.95
RPC Throughput (RPCs/sec): 1743
RPC Latencies (us):
Min : 4224
25th %: 9002
Median : 9371
75th %: 9448
Max : 10854
Average: 9098
Std Dev: 722.59
RPC Failures: 0
Endpoint results (rank:tag - Median Latency (us)):
0:0 - 9371
mpich tests