Avocado Functional test cases with NVMe

Avocado Functional test cases with NVMe

List of functional tests available as of 10/31/2018

FolderTest Files


BadConnect.yaml – FAIL – DAOS issue - DAOS-1691 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BadCreate.yaml – FAIL – DAOS issue- DAOS-1705 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BadEvict.yaml – FAIL - TEST issue - DAOS-1709 - Getting issue details... STATUS - This looks like Test defect. After investigation this can be assigned to Dev, if it's DAOS side issue.

BadExclude.yaml - FAIL - TEST issue - DAOS-1711 - Getting issue details... STATUS

BadQuery.yaml - PASS

ConnectTest.yamlFAIL - Test issue - DAOS-1718 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Tried with socket with NVMe and it's working fine.

DestroyRebuild.yaml – Need 6 Serves - FAIL - This will not work until we get pool destroy fix DAOS-1811 - Getting issue details... STATUS There is existing defect open for same test DAOS-989 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DestroyTests.yaml - Need 6 Servers - FAIL - This will not work until we get pool destroy fix DAOS-1811 - Getting issue details... STATUS DAOS-1691 - Getting issue details... STATUS

EvictTest.yaml - PASS

GlobalHandle.yaml - PASS

InfoTests.yaml - FAIL - DAOS issue - DAOS-1722 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MultipleCreatesTest.yaml - PASS

MultiServerCreateDeleteTest.yaml - PASS

Permission.yaml - FAIL - DAOS issue - DAOS-1722 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PoolSvc.yaml FAIL - TEST issue - DAOS-1242 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RebuildNoCap.yaml – Need 6 Servers - FAIL - TEST issue - DAOS-1846 - Getting issue details... STATUS , Now the Pool should be too full to start a rebuild and it should return rebuild failure error as per test. Confirm with Scott on expected behavior of tests.

RebuildTests.yaml – Need 6 Servers - DAOS issue - FAIL - DAOS-1828 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RebuildWithIO.yamlPASS - Need 6 Servers

SimpleCreateDeleteTest.yaml - PASS


ArrayObjTest.yaml - PASS

CreateManyDkeys.yaml - PASS

ObjFetchBadParam.yaml - PASS

ObjUpdateBadParam.yaml - PASS

PunchTest.yaml - PASS


Open.yaml - PASS - It's required some minor modification in Tear down code to work with NVMe, disconnecting the pool before destroying it works fine in SCM but not in NVME DAOS-1691 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Eventually test case will need update.

OpenClose.yaml - Need 4 Servers - FAIL - Test Issue - DAOS-1799 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ContainerAsync.yamlNeed 4 servers - PASS - DAOS issue - DAOS-1811 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Defect Verified.

GlobalHandle.yaml - PASS

Attribute.yaml - PASS

BasicEpochTest.yaml - PASS

Delete.yaml – FAIL -test Issue - DAOS-1789 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Make sure to use 1G pool size for NVMe. Add pool.disconnect() if this test required to be ran with NVMe

FullPoolContainerCreate.yaml - FAIL - Test Issue - DAOS-1768 - Getting issue details... STATUS - This test will not work with NVMe as minimum size of pool on NVMe is 1G where in test it's 16MB

SimpleCreateDeleteTest.yamlNeed 6 Servers - PASS - Pool Destroy issue observer for which DAOS-1811 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Verified Defect.


IorSingleServer.yaml - PASS - DAOS issue - DAOS-1791 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Need to update the TC if it fails again but it's working OK. Increase the pool size or put some delay in between IOR as per defect

repoRepoTest.yaml - Not Executed - It's not DAOS function test
serverServerLaunch.yaml - Not Executed - It's only server start which works in TestSetup() part of most of the test cases
unittestUnittest.yaml - Not Executed - It's Unit tests so not needed to run against NVMe

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