ROMIO Test Suite

The ROMIO test suite is located in the MPICH source with the ROMIO library.


After configure and building MPICH (see directions here), from the same build directory:

cd src/mpi/romio/test

make -j8


Launch server(s)

Using all the directions from this page for client side execution you can:

  1. run all supported tests in the suite:

    ./runtests -fname=daos:test1 -subset -daos

    This creates a pool, exports all necessary environment for pool connection (uuid and svcl), runs tests, and then destroys the pool.
    -subset option excludes atomic and shared file pointer tests that are not supported by the DAOS ADIO driver.
  2. run individual tests:
    1. create pool with dmg
    2. export pool uuid and svcl
    3. run test: mpirun -np 4 ./simple -fname daos:test1


Passing / Should Pass all tests