IOR - with MPIIO

IOR - with MPIIO

Get IOR:

git clone https://github.com/hpc/ior.git


After configure and building MPICH (see directions here):

  • cd ior/
  • ./bootstrap
  • mkdir build; cd build;
  • MPICC=mpicc ../configure --with-mpiio

  • make


Launch server(s)

Using all the directions from this page for client side execution:

  1. create pool with dmg and export related env variables
  2. cd into the ior build dir from above

  3. cd src/
  4. mpirun -np 8 --hostfile ~/cli_hosts  ./ior -a MPIIO -w -W -r -R -t 1m -b 1g -o daos:testFile -V -S -C -c

  5. the ior options can be varied for different MPI-IO configurations:

    1. The main option is the file name to include daos: prefix to use the MPI-IO DAOS ADIO driver

    2. -w -W -r -R

    3. -k (keep file) then relaunch with -r -R to check data after relaunch

    4. -F for file per process (default is single shared file)

    5. -C change task order for data read back

    6. -c for using MPI-IO collective IO calls

    7. -V for using MPI file views

    8. -S to indicate strided IO pattern


Passing / Should Pass all tests