HDF5 Parallel Test Suite

The HDF5 library is located on bitbucket. But the parallel test suite will not all pass since there is some unsupported functionality used by HDF5:

  • atomicity
  • POSIX and MPI-IO access of the same file
  • reading empty data expecting 0s (default fill-value)

Those changes can be obtained from 

git clone https://github.com/mchaarawi/hdf5

Which is a clone of HDF5 develop branch with the above changes.


After configure and building MPICH (see directions here):


Launch server(s)

Using all the directions from this page for client side execution:

  1. create pool with dmg and export related env variables
  2. export HDF5_PARAPREFIX=daos:

  3. mpirun -np 8 --hostfile ~/cli_hosts ./testphdf5

  4. mpirun -np 8 --hostfile ~/cli_hosts ./t_shapesame


Passing / Should Pass all tests