


Table of Contents


This documentation provides a general tour to DAOS management commands (dmg) for daos_admin, and DAOS tools (daos) for daos_client users. Provides help with pool and container create, list, query and destroy on DAOS server for daos_admin and daos_client users. Some frequent common errors and workarounds for new users when using the dmg and daos tools.  Example runs of data transfer between DAOS file systems, by setting up of DAOS dfuse mount point and run traffic with dfuse fio and mpirun mdtest. Example of basic dmg and daos tools runs on 2 hosts DAOS server and 1 host client, runs of DAOS rebuild over dfuse fio and mpirun mdtest on a 4 hosts DAOS server.


Set environment variables for list of servers, client and admin node.

# Example of 2 hosts server
# For 1 host server, export SERVER_NODES=node-1
export SERVER_NODES=node-1,node-2
# Example to use admin and client on the same node
export ADMIN_NODE=node-3
export CLIENT_NODE=node-3


Please reference to DAOS server(s) and client(s) DAOS Set-Up for RPM installation, daos server/agent/admin configuration yml files, certificates generation, and bring-up daos servers and clients.

DAOS management tool (dmg) usage for daos_admin

dmg tool help

# DAOS management tool full path /usr/bin/dmg 
$ dmg --help
  dmg [OPTIONS] <command>

Application Options:
      --allow-proxy   Allow proxy configuration via environment
  -l, --host-list=    comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname>
  -i, --insecure      have dmg attempt to connect without certificates
  -d, --debug         enable debug output
  -j, --json          Enable JSON output
  -J, --json-logging  Enable JSON-formatted log output
  -o, --config-path=  Client config file path

Help Options:
  -h, --help          Show this help message

Available commands:
  config     Perform tasks related to configuration of hardware remote servers (aliases: co)
  cont       Perform tasks related to DAOS containers (aliases: c)
  network    Perform tasks related to network devices attached to remote servers (aliases: n)
  pool       Perform tasks related to DAOS pools (aliases: p)
  storage    Perform tasks related to storage attached to remote servers (aliases: st)
  system     Perform distributed tasks related to DAOS system (aliases: sy)
  telemetry  Perform telemetry operations
  version    Print dmg version

dmg system query

# system query output for a 2 hosts DAOS server
$ dmg system query
Rank  State  
----  -----  
[0-1] Joined  

dmg system query verbose output

$ dmg system query --verbose  (-v)
Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason
---- ---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------
0 570660ae-1727-4ce0-9650-6c31e81c9d30 /boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
1 74390dd0-7fbc-4309-8665-d5f24218c8d9 /boro-35.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined

dmg system query with debug

$ dmg system query --debug  (-d)
DEBUG 21:17:29.765815 main.go:216: debug output enabled
DEBUG 21:17:29.766483 main.go:243: control config loaded from /etc/daos/daos_control.yml
DEBUG 21:17:29.768661 system.go:368: DAOS system query request: &{unaryRequest:{request:{deadline:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>} Sys: HostList:[]} rpc:0xc83b40} msRequest:{} sysRequest:{Ranks:{RWMutex:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0} HostSet:{Mutex:{state:0 sema:0} list:0xc0001909c0}} Hosts:{Mutex:{state:0 sema:0} list:0xc000190980}} retryableRequest:{retryTimeout:0 retryInterval:0 retryMaxTries:0 retryTestFn:0xc83ca0 retryFn:0xc83de0} FailOnUnavailable:false}
DEBUG 21:17:29.769332 rpc.go:196: request hosts: [boro-8:10001 boro-35:10001]
DEBUG 21:17:29.823432 system.go:200: System-Query command succeeded, absent hosts: , absent ranks: 
Rank  State  
----  -----  
[0-1] Joined 

dmg storage query usage

# system storage query usage output for a 2 hosts DAOS server
$ dmg storage query usage
Hosts   SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used 
-----   --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 
boro-35 17 GB     17 GB    0 %      0 B        0 B       N/A       
boro-8  17 GB     17 GB    0 %      0 B        0 B       N/A       

dmg pool create help

$ dmg pool create --help
  dmg [OPTIONS] pool create [create-OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --allow-proxy    Allow proxy configuration via environment
  -l, --host-list=     comma separated list of addresses <ipv4addr/hostname>
  -i, --insecure       have dmg attempt to connect without certificates
  -d, --debug          enable debug output
  -j, --json           Enable JSON output
  -J, --json-logging   Enable JSON-formatted log output
  -o, --config-path=   Client config file path

Help Options:
  -h, --help           Show this help message

[create command options]
      -g, --group=     DAOS pool to be owned by given group, format name@domain
      -u, --user=      DAOS pool to be owned by given user, format name@domain
      -p, --name=      Unique name for pool (set as label)
      -a, --acl-file=  Access Control List file path for DAOS pool
      -z, --size=      Total size of DAOS pool (auto)
      -t, --scm-ratio= Percentage of SCM:NVMe for pool storage (auto) (default: 6)
      -k, --nranks=    Number of ranks to use (auto)
      -v, --nsvc=      Number of pool service replicas
      -s, --scm-size=  Per-server SCM allocation for DAOS pool (manual)
      -n, --nvme-size= Per-server NVMe allocation for DAOS pool (manual)
      -r, --ranks=     Storage server unique identifiers (ranks) for DAOS pool
      -S, --sys=       DAOS system that pool is to be a part of (default: daos_server)

dmg pool create

# Create a 10GB pool
$ dmg pool create --size=10G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 10 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : 0a6003c6-23a7-4cb5-8895-c004ca2b75f5
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : [0-1]                               
  Total Size    : 10 GB                               
  SCM           : 10 GB (5.0 GB / rank)               
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)                  

$ dmg storage query usage
Hosts   SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used 
-----   --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 
boro-35 17 GB     12 GB    29 %     0 B        0 B       N/A       
boro-8  17 GB     11 GB    36 %     0 B        0 B       N/A

dmg pool create for specified user and group

# Create a 1GB pool for user:user_1 group:admin_group1
$ dmg pool create --group=admin_group1 --user=user_1 --size=1G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 1.0 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : 64efd827-6bcb-434b-ab78-2010984539ff
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : 0                                   
  Total Size    : 1.0 GB                              
  SCM           : 1.0 GB (1.0 GB / rank)              
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)

dmg pool create with security setting

# Create a pool with access-control via a access-list test file
$ dmg pool create --size=1G --acl-file=/tmp/acl_test.txt
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 1.0 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : 4533f724-7234-4c70-946c-b7a53d7d0ddf
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : 0                                   
  Total Size    : 1.0 GB                              
  SCM           : 1.0 GB (1.0 GB / rank)              
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)      

# Example of access entries on /tmp/acl_test.txt
#  pool OWNER:       read-write permission 
#  pool owner GROUP: read-write permission
#  test_user1:       write-only permission
#  test_user2:       read-only permission
#  test_group1:      write-only permission
#  test_group2:      read-only permission
#  EVERYONE else:    no permission

# Get pool security acl
$ dmg pool get-acl --pool=$DAOS_POOL
# Entries:

# Update pool access entry for the existing test_group1 to no-permission 
dmg pool update-acl -e A:G:test_group1@: --pool=$DAOS_POOL

# Update pool access entry for a new user test_user3 with rw permission
dmg pool update-acl -e A::test_user3@:rw --pool=$DAOS_POOL

# Get pool security acl after update-acl
$ dmg pool get-acl --pool=$DAOS_POOL
# Entries:

dmg pool list

$ dmg pool list
Pool UUID                            Svc Replicas 
---------                            ------------ 
5f362dc2-6154-44c7-8348-9de6f0a3d5d1 0            

dmg pool destroy

$ dmg pool destroy --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Pool-destroy command succeeded

$ dmg pool list
no pools in system

$ dmg storage query usage
Hosts   SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used 
-----   --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 
boro-35 17 GB     17 GB    0 %      0 B        0 B       N/A       
boro-8  17 GB     17 GB    0 %      0 B        0 B       N/A        

dmg pool query

$ dmg pool create --size=10G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 10 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : cf860261-4fde-4403-b10b-abe8eb9dd32f
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : [0-1]                               
  Total Size    : 10 GB                               
  SCM           : 10 GB (5.0 GB / rank)               
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)                    

$ dmg pool list
Pool UUID                            Svc Replicas 
---------                            ------------ 
cf860261-4fde-4403-b10b-abe8eb9dd32f 0            

$ dmg pool query --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Pool cf860261-4fde-4403-b10b-abe8eb9dd32f, ntarget=16, disabled=0, leader=0, version=1
Pool space info:
- Target(VOS) count:16
- SCM:
  Total size: 10 GB
  Free: 10 GB, min:625 MB, max:625 MB, mean:625 MB
- NVMe:
  Total size: 0 B
  Free: 0 B, min:0 B, max:0 B, mean:0 B
Rebuild idle, 0 objs, 0 recs

DAOS tool (daos) usage for daos_client

daos tool help

$ /usr/bin/daos help
daos command (v1.2), libdaos 1.2.0
          pool             pool
          container (cont) container
          filesystem (fs)  copy to and from a POSIX filesystem
          object (obj)     object
          shell            Interactive obj ctl shell for DAOS
          version          print command version
          help             print this message and exit

use 'daos help RESOURCE' for resource specifics

$ daos help cont
daos command (v1.2), libdaos 1.2.0

container (cont) commands:
          create           create a container
          clone            clone a container
          destroy          destroy a container
          list-objects     list all objects in container
          query            query a container
          get-prop         get all container's properties
          set-prop         set container's properties
          get-acl          get a container's ACL
          overwrite-acl    replace a container's ACL
          update-acl       add/modify entries in a container's ACL
          delete-acl       delete an entry from a container's ACL
          set-owner        change the user and/or group that own a container
          stat             get container statistics
          check            check objects consistency in container
          list-attrs       list container user-defined attributes
          del-attr         delete container user-defined attribute
          get-attr         get container user-defined attribute
          set-attr         set container user-defined attribute
          create-snap      create container snapshot (optional name)
                           at most recent committed epoch
          list-snaps       list container snapshots taken
          destroy-snap     destroy container snapshots
                           by name, epoch or range
          rollback         roll back container to specified snapshot

use 'daos help cont|container COMMAND' for command specific options

daos container create

$ dmg pool create --size=10G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 10 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : 528f4710-7eb8-4850-b6aa-09e4b3c8f532
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : 0                                   
  Total Size    : 10 GB                               
  SCM           : 10 GB (10 GB / rank)                
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)                    

$ daos cont create --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Successfully created container bfef23e9-bbfa-4743-a95c-144c44078f16

daos container create with HDF5 type

# Create a HDF5 container
# By default: type = POSIX
$ daos cont create --type=HDF5 --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Successfully created container bc4fe707-7470-4b7d-83bf-face75cc98fc

daos container create with redundancy factor

# Create a container with oclass RP_2G1, redundancy factor = 1
$ daos cont create --oclass=RP_2G1 --properties=rf:1 --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Successfully created container 0d121c02-a42d-4029-8dce-3919b964b7b3

daos container list

$ daos pool list-cont --pool=$DAOS_POOL 

daos container destroy

$ daos cont destroy --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
Successfully destroyed container bc4fe707-7470-4b7d-83bf-face75cc98fc

daos container query

$ daos cont query  --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
Pool UUID:      528f4710-7eb8-4850-b6aa-09e4b3c8f532
Container UUID: bc4fe707-7470-4b7d-83bf-face75cc98fc
Number of snapshots: 0
Latest Persistent Snapshot: 0
Highest Aggregated Epoch: 172477977191481344
Container redundancy factor: 1

daos container snapshot help/create/list/destroy

$ daos help cont create-snap
daos command (v1.2), libdaos 1.2.0
container options (snapshot and rollback-related):
        --snap=NAME        container snapshot (create/destroy-snap, rollback)
        --epc=EPOCHNUM     container epoch (destroy-snap, rollback)
        --epcrange=B-E     container epoch range (destroy-snap)
container options (query, and all commands except create):
          <pool options>   with --cont use: (--pool, --sys-name)
          <pool options>   with --path use: (--sys-name)
        --cont=UUID        (mandatory, or use --path)

$ daos cont create-snap --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
snapshot/epoch 172646116775952384 has been created

$ daos container list-snaps --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
Container's snapshots :

$ daos container destroy-snap --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT --epc=172646116775952384

$ daos container list-snaps --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
Container's snapshots :

Frequent errors user might see and workaround

use dmg command without daos_admin privilege

# Error message or timeout after dmg system query
$ dmg system query 
ERROR: dmg: Unable to load Certificate Data: could not load cert: stat /etc/daos/certs/admin.crt: no such file or directory

# Workaround
# 1. Make sure the admin-host /etc/daos/daos_control.yml is correctly configured. 
#    including:
#      hostlist: <daos_server_lists>
#      port: <port_num>
#      transport_config:
#        allow_insecure: <true/false>
#        ca_cert: /etc/daos/certs/daosCA.crt
#        cert: /etc/daos/certs/admin.crt
#        key: /etc/daos/certs/admin.key
# 2. Make sure the admin-host allow_insecure mode match with the servers'.

use daos command before daos_agent started

$ daos cont create --pool=$DAOS_POOL
daos ERR  src/common/drpc.c:217 unixcomm_connect() Failed to connect to /var/run/daos_agent/daos_agent.sock, errno=2(No such file or directory)
mgmt ERR  src/mgmt/cli_mgmt.c:222 get_attach_info() failed to connect to /var/run/daos_agent/daos_agent.sock DER_MISC(-1025): 'Miscellaneous error'
failed to initialize daos: Miscellaneous error (-1025)

# Work around to check for daos_agent certification and start daos_agent
$ #check for /etc/daos/certs/daosCA.crt, agent.crt and agent.key
$ sudo systemctl enable daos_agent.service
$ sudo systemctl start daos_agent.service

use daos command with invalid or wrong parameters

# Lack of providing daos pool_uuid
$ daos pool list-cont
pool UUID required
rc: 2
daos command (v1.2), libdaos 1.2.0
          pool             pool
          container (cont) container
          filesystem (fs)  copy to and from a POSIX filesystem
          object (obj)     object
          shell            Interactive obj ctl shell for DAOS
          version          print command version
          help             print this message and exit
use 'daos help RESOURCE' for resource specifics

# Invalid sub-command cont-list
$ daos pool cont-list --pool=$DAOS_POOL
invalid pool command: cont-list
error parsing command line arguments
daos command (v1.2), libdaos 1.2.0
          pool             pool
          container (cont) container
          filesystem (fs)  copy to and from a POSIX filesystem
          object (obj)     object
          shell            Interactive obj ctl shell for DAOS
          version          print command version
          help             print this message and exit
use 'daos help RESOURCE' for resource specifics

# Working daos pool command
$ daos pool list-cont --pool=$DAOS_POOL

dmg pool create failed due to no space

$ dmg pool create --size=50G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 50 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
ERROR: dmg: pool create failed: DER_NOSPACE(-1007): No space on storage target

# Workaround: dmg storage query scan to find current available storage
$ dmg storage query usage
Hosts  SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used 
-----  --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 
boro-8 17 GB     6.0 GB   65 %     0 B        0 B       N/A       

$ dmg pool create --size=2G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 2.0 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio
  UUID          : b5ce2954-3f3e-4519-be04-ea298d776132
  Service Ranks : 0                                   
  Storage Ranks : 0                                   
  Total Size    : 2.0 GB                              
  SCM           : 2.0 GB (2.0 GB / rank)              
  NVMe          : 0 B (0 B / rank)                    

$ dmg storage query usage
Hosts  SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used 
-----  --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 
boro-8 17 GB     2.9 GB   83 %     0 B        0 B       N/A       

dmg pool destroy timeout

# dmg pool destroy Timeout or failed due to pool has active container(s)
# Workaround pool destroy --force option

$ dmg pool destroy --pool=$DAOS_POOL --force
Pool-destroy command succeeded

Run with dfuse fio

required rpm

$ sudo yum install -y fio
$ sudo yum install -y daos-tests

run fio

$ dmg pool create --size=10G
$ daos cont create --pool=$DAOS_POOL --type=POSIX
$ daos cont query --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
Pool UUID: f688f2ad-76ae-4368-8d1b-5697ca016a43
Container UUID: bcc5c793-60dc-4ec1-8bab-9d63ea18e794
Number of snapshots: 0
Latest Persistent Snapshot: 0
Highest Aggregated Epoch: 0
Container redundancy factor: 0
$ /usr/bin/mkdir /tmp/daos_test1
$ /usr/bin/touch /tmp/daos_test1/testfile
$ /usr/bin/df -h -t fuse.daos
df: no file systems processed
$ /usr/bin/dfuse --m=/tmp/daos_test1 --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT
$ /usr/bin/df -h -t fuse.daos
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dfuse 954M 144K 954M 1% /tmp/daos_test1
$ /usr/bin/fio --name=random-write --ioengine=pvsync --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --size=128M --nrfiles=4 --directory=/tmp/daos_test1 --numjobs=8 --iodepth=16 --runtime=60 --time_based --direct=1 --buffered=0 --randrepeat=0 --norandommap --refill_buffers --group_reportingrandom-write: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=pvsync, iodepth=16
Starting 8 processes
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
write: IOPS=19.9k, BW=77.9MiB/s (81.7MB/s)(731MiB/9379msec)
clat (usec): min=224, max=6539, avg=399.16, stdev=70.52
lat (usec): min=224, max=6539, avg=399.19, stdev=70.52
clat percentiles (usec):
bw ( KiB/s): min= 9368, max=10096, per=12.50%, avg=9972.06, stdev=128.28, samples=144
iops : min= 2342, max= 2524, avg=2493.01, stdev=32.07, samples=144
lat (usec) : 250=0.01%, 500=96.81%, 750=3.17%, 1000=0.01%
lat (msec) : 10=0.01%
cpu : usr=0.43%, sys=1.05%, ctx=187242, majf=0, minf=488
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.1%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
issued rwts: total=0,187022,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=16
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
WRITE: bw=77.9MiB/s (81.7MB/s), 77.9MiB/s-77.9MiB/s (81.7MB/s-81.7MB/s), io=731MiB (766MB), run=9379-9379msec
# Data after fio completed
$ ll /tmp/daos_test1
total 1048396
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.0.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33546240 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.0.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33542144 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.0.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.0.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.1.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.1.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.1.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.1.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.2.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.2.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.2.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.2.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33542144 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.3.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33550336 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.3.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33550336 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.3.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33542144 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.3.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.4.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33525760 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.4.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.4.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33550336 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.4.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33542144 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.5.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33546240 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.5.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.5.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.5.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.6.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33550336 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.6.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33550336 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.6.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.6.3
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33525760 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.7.0
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33554432 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.7.1
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33525760 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.7.2
rw-rr- 1 user1 user1 33542144 Apr 21 23:28 random-write.7.3


$ fusermount -u /tmp/daos_test1/

$ df -h -t fuse.daos
df: no file systems processed

Run with mpirun mdtest

required rpms

$ sudo yum install -y mpich
$ sudo yum install -y mdtest
$ sudo yum install -y Lmod
$ sudo module load mpi/mpich-x86_64
$ /usr/bin/touch /tmp/daos_test1/testfile

run mpirun ior and mdtest

# Run mpirun ior
$ /usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpirun -host <host1> -np 30 ior -a POSIX -b 26214400 -v -w -k -i 1 -o /tmp/daos_test1/testfile -t 25M
IOR-3.4.0+dev: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O
Began : Fri Apr 16 18:07:56 2021
Command line : ior -a POSIX -b 26214400 -v -w -k -i 1 -o /tmp/daos_test1/testfile -t 25M
Machine : Linux boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com
Start time skew across all tasks: 0.00 sec
TestID : 0
StartTime : Fri Apr 16 18:07:56 2021
Path : /tmp/daos_test1/testfile
FS : 3.8 GiB Used FS: 1.1% Inodes: 0.2 Mi Used Inodes: 0.1%
Participating tasks : 30
api : POSIX
apiVersion :
test filename : /tmp/daos_test1/testfile
access : single-shared-file
type : independent
segments : 1
ordering in a file : sequential
ordering inter file : no tasks offsets
nodes : 1
tasks : 30
clients per node : 30
repetitions : 1
xfersize : 25 MiB
blocksize : 25 MiB
aggregate filesize : 750 MiB
verbose : 1
access bw(MiB/s) IOPS Latency(s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
Commencing write performance test: Fri Apr 16 18:07:56 2021
write 1499.68 59.99 0.480781 25600 25600 0.300237 0.500064 0.483573 0.500107 0
Max Write: 1499.68 MiB/sec (1572.53 MB/sec)
Summary of all tests:
Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) Stonewall(s) Stonewall(MiB) Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggs(MiB) API RefNum
write 1499.68 1499.68 1499.68 0.00 59.99 59.99 59.99 0.00 0.50011 NA NA 0 30 30 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 26214400 26214400 750.0 POSIX 0
Finished : Fri Apr 16 18:07:57 2021

# Run mpirun mdtest
$ /usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpirun -host <host1> -np 30 mdtest -a DFS -z 0 -F -C -i 1 -n 1667 -e 4096 -d / -w 4096 --dfs.chunk_size 1048576 --dfs.cont <container.uuid> --dfs.destroy --dfs.dir_oclass RP_3G1 --dfs.group daos_server --dfs.oclass RP_3G1 --dfs.pool <pool_uuid>
– started at 04/16/2021 22:01:55 –
mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 30 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
Command line used: mdtest 'a' 'DFS' '-z' '0' '-F' '-C' '-i' '1' '-n' '1667' '-e' '4096' '-d' '/' '-w' '4096' 'dfs.chunk_size' '1048576' 'dfs.cont' '3e661024-2f1f-4d7a-9cd4-1b05601e0789' 'dfs.destroy' 'dfs.dir_oclass' 'SX' 'dfs.group' 'daos_server' 'dfs.oclass' 'SX' '-dfs.pool' 'd546a7f5-586c-4d8f-aecd-372878df7b97'
WARNING: unable to use realpath() on file system.
FS: 0.0 GiB Used FS: -nan% Inodes: 0.0 Mi Used Inodes: -nan%
Nodemap: 111111111111111111111111111111
30 tasks, 50010 files
SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev
--------- — — ---- -------
File creation : 14206.584 14206.334 14206.511 0.072
File stat : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
File read : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
File removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tree creation : 1869.791 1869.791 1869.791 0.000
Tree removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
– finished at 04/16/2021 22:01:58 –

$ /usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpirun -host <host1> -np 50 mdtest -a DFS -z 0 -F -C -i 1 -n 1667 -e 4096 -d / -w 4096 --dfs.chunk_size 1048576 --dfs.cont 3e661024-2f1f-4d7a-9cd4-1b05601e0789 --dfs.destroy --dfs.dir_oclass SX --dfs.group daos_server --dfs.oclass SX --dfs.pool d546a7f5-586c-4d8f-aecd-372878df7b97
– started at 04/16/2021 22:02:21 –
mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 50 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
Command line used: mdtest 'a' 'DFS' '-z' '0' '-F' '-C' '-i' '1' '-n' '1667' '-e' '4096' '-d' '/' '-w' '4096' 'dfs.chunk_size' '1048576' 'dfs.cont' '3e661024-2f1f-4d7a-9cd4-1b05601e0789' 'dfs.destroy' 'dfs.dir_oclass' 'SX' 'dfs.group' 'daos_server' 'dfs.oclass' 'SX' '-dfs.pool' 'd546a7f5-586c-4d8f-aecd-372878df7b97'
WARNING: unable to use realpath() on file system.
FS: 0.0 GiB Used FS: -nan% Inodes: 0.0 Mi Used Inodes: -nan%
Nodemap: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
50 tasks, 83350 files
SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev
--------- — — ---- -------
File creation : 13342.303 13342.093 13342.228 0.059
File stat : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
File read : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
File removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tree creation : 1782.938 1782.938 1782.938 0.000
Tree removal : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
– finished at 04/16/2021 22:02:27 –

Run with 4 DAOS hosts server, rebuild with dfuse_io and mpirun

Environment variables setup

export SERVER_NODES=node-1,node-2,node-3,node-4
export ADMIN_NODE=node-5
export CLIENT_NODE=node-5

Run dfuse

# Bring up 4 hosts server with appropriate daos_server.yml and
# access-point, reference to  DAOS Set-Up 
# After DAOS servers, DAOS admin and client started.

$ dmg storage format
Format Summary:
  Hosts             SCM Devices NVMe Devices 
  -----             ----------- ------------ 
  boro-[8,35,52-53] 1           0            

$ dmg pool list
Pool UUID Svc Replicas 
--------- ------------ 

$ daos cont create --pool=$DAOS_POOL --type=POSIX --oclass=RP_3G1 --properties=rf:2
Successfully created container 2649aa0f-3ad7-4943-abf5-4343205a637b 

$ daos pool list-cont --pool=$DAOS_POOL

$ dmg pool query --pool=$DAOS_POOL 
Pool 733bee7b-c2af-499e-99dd-313b1ef092a9, ntarget=32, disabled=0, leader=2, version=1 
Pool space info: 
- Target(VOS) count:32 
- SCM: 
  Total size: 5.0 GB 
  Free: 5.0 GB, min:156 MB, max:156 MB, mean:156 MB 
- NVMe: 
  Total size: 0 B 
  Free: 0 B, min:0 B, max:0 B, mean:0 B 
Rebuild idle, 0 objs, 0 recs

$ df -h -t fuse.daos
df: no file systems processed

$ mkdir /tmp/daos_test1

$ dfuse --mountpoint=/tmp/daos_test1 --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT

$ df -h -t fuse.daos
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dfuse            19G  1.1M   19G   1% /tmp/daos_test1

$ fio --name=random-write --ioengine=pvsync --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --size=128M --nrfiles=4 --directory=/tmp/daos_test1 --numjobs=8 --iodepth=16 --runtime=60 --time_based --direct=1 --buffered=0 --randrepeat=0 --norandommap --refill_buffers --group_reporting
random-write: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=pvsync, iodepth=16
Starting 8 processes
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
random-write: Laying out IO files (4 files / total 128MiB)
Jobs: 8 (f=32): [w(8)][100.0%][r=0KiB/s,w=96.1MiB/s][r=0,w=24.6k IOPS][eta 00m:00s]
random-write: (groupid=0, jobs=8): err= 0: pid=27879: Sat Apr 17 01:12:57 2021
  write: IOPS=24.4k, BW=95.3MiB/s (99.9MB/s)(5716MiB/60001msec)
    clat (usec): min=220, max=6687, avg=326.19, stdev=55.29
     lat (usec): min=220, max=6687, avg=326.28, stdev=55.29
    clat percentiles (usec):
     |  1.00th=[  260],  5.00th=[  273], 10.00th=[  285], 20.00th=[  293],
     | 30.00th=[  306], 40.00th=[  314], 50.00th=[  322], 60.00th=[  330],
     | 70.00th=[  338], 80.00th=[  355], 90.00th=[  375], 95.00th=[  396],
     | 99.00th=[  445], 99.50th=[  465], 99.90th=[  523], 99.95th=[  562],
     | 99.99th=[ 1827]
   bw (  KiB/s): min=10976, max=12496, per=12.50%, avg=12191.82, stdev=157.87, samples=952
   iops        : min= 2744, max= 3124, avg=3047.92, stdev=39.47, samples=952
  lat (usec)   : 250=0.23%, 500=99.61%, 750=0.15%, 1000=0.01%
  lat (msec)   : 2=0.01%, 4=0.01%, 10=0.01%
  cpu          : usr=0.81%, sys=1.69%, ctx=1463535, majf=0, minf=308
  IO depths    : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     submit    : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     complete  : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
     issued rwts: total=0,1463226,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
     latency   : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=16

Run status group 0 (all jobs):
  WRITE: bw=95.3MiB/s (99.9MB/s), 95.3MiB/s-95.3MiB/s (99.9MB/s-99.9MB/s), io=5716MiB (5993MB), run=60001-60001msec

Run dfuse with rebuild

# Start dfuse
$ fio --name=random-write --ioengine=pvsync --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --size=128M --nrfiles=4 --directory=/tmp/daos_test1 --numjobs=8 --iodepth=16 --runtime=60 --time_based --direct=1 --buffered=0 --randrepeat=0 --norandommap --refill_buffers --group_reporting

random-write: (g=0): rw=randwrite, bs=(R) 4096B-4096B, (W) 4096B-4096B, (T) 4096B-4096B, ioengine=pvsync, iodepth=16
Starting 8 processes
fio: io_u error on file /tmp/daos_test1/random-write.2.1: Input/output error: write offset=8527872, buflen=4096
fio: pid=28242, err=5

bw ( KiB/s): min= 3272, max=12384, per=30.14%, avg=11624.50, stdev=2181.01, samples=128
iops : min= 818, max= 3096, avg=2906.12, stdev=545.25, samples=128
lat (usec) : 250=0.23%, 500=99.59%, 750=0.12%, 1000=0.01%
lat (msec) : 2=0.03%, 4=0.02%
cpu : usr=0.27%, sys=0.66%, ctx=186210, majf=0, minf=494
IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
complete : 0=0.1%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
issued rwts: total=0,186000,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0
latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=16
Run status group 0 (all jobs):
WRITE: bw=37.7MiB/s (39.5MB/s), 37.7MiB/s-37.7MiB/s (39.5MB/s-39.5MB/s), io=727MiB (762MB), run=19291-19291msec

# from daos_admin console, stop leader-rank with debug
$ dmg -d system stop --ranks=3
DEBUG 01:34:58.026753 main.go:217: debug output enabled
DEBUG 01:34:58.027457 main.go:244: control config loaded from /etc/daos/daos_control.yml
Rank Operation Result
--------- ------
3 stop OK

$ daos pool list-cont --pool=$DAOS_POOL

$ dmg pool query --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Pool 70f73efc-848e-4f6e-b4fd-909bcf9bd427,
Pool space info:
Target(VOS) count:24
Total size: 15 GB
Free: 14 GB, min:575 MB, max:597 MB, mean:587 MB
Total size: 0 B
Free: 0 B, min:0 B, max:0 B, mean:0 B
Rebuild done, 1 objs, 57 recs

# Verify stopped server been evicted
$ dmg system query -v
Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason
---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------
0 2bf0e083-33d6-4ce3-83c4-c898c2a7ddbd boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
1 c9ac1dd9-0f9d-4684-90d3-038b720fd26b boro-35.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
2 80e44fe9-3a2b-4808-9a0f-88c3cbe7f565 boro-53.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
3 a26fd44a-6089-4cc3-a06b-278a85607fd3 boro-52.boro.hpdd.intel.com Evicted system stop
# Restart, after evicted server restarted, verify the server joined
$ /usr/bin/dmg system query -v
Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason 
---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------ 
0 2bf0e083-33d6-4ce3-83c4-c898c2a7ddbd /boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined 
1 c9ac1dd9-0f9d-4684-90d3-038b720fd26b /boro-35.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined 
2 80e44fe9-3a2b-4808-9a0f-88c3cbe7f565 /boro-53.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined 
3 a26fd44a-6089-4cc3-a06b-278a85607fd3 /boro-52.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined

# Unmount after test completed
$ fusermount -u /tmp/daos_test1/ 
$ df -h -t fuse.daos 
df: no file systems processed

Run mpirun mdtest with rebuild

$ dmg pool create --size=50G
Creating DAOS pool with automatic storage allocation: 50 GB NVMe + 6.00% SCM 
Pool created with 100.00% SCM/NVMe ratio 
 UUID : 4eda8a8c-028c-461c-afd3-704534961572
 Service Ranks : [1-3]
 Storage Ranks : [0-3]
 Total Size : 50 GB
 SCM : 50 GB (12 GB / rank)
 NVMe : 0 B (0 B / rank)

$ daos cont create --pool=$DAOS_POOL --type=POSIX --oclass=RP_3G1 --properties=rf:2
Successfully created container d71ff6a5-15a5-43fe-b829-bef9c65b9ccb

$ /usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpirun -host boro-8 -np 30 mdtest -a DFS -z 0 -F -C -i 100 -n 1667 -e 4096 -d / -w 4096 --dfs.chunk_size 1048576 --dfs.cont $DAOS_CONT --dfs.destroy --dfs.dir_oclass RP_3G1 --dfs.group daos_server --dfs.oclass RP_3G1 --dfs.pool $DAOS_POOL

started at 04/22/2021 17:46:20 –
mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 30 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
Command line used: mdtest 'a' 'DFS' '-z' '0' '-F' '-C' '-i' '100' '-n' '1667' '-e' '4096' '-d' '/' '-w' '4096' 'dfs.chunk_size' '1048576' 'dfs.cont' 'd71ff6a5-15a5-43fe-b829-bef9c65b9ccb' 'dfs.destroy' 'dfs.dir_oclass' 'RP_3G1' 'dfs.group' 'daos_server' 'dfs.oclass' 'RP_3G1' '-dfs.pool' '4eda8a8c-028c-461c-afd3-704534961572'
WARNING: unable to use realpath() on file system.
FS: 0.0 GiB Used FS: -nan% Inodes: 0.0 Mi Used Inodes: -nan%
Nodemap: 111111111111111111111111111111
30 tasks, 50010 files
# from daos_admin console, stop a server rank
$ dmg system stop --ranks=2
Rank Operation Result
--------- ------
2 stop OK

# Verify stopped server been evicted 
$ dmg system query -v 
Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason
 ---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------
 0 2bf0e083-33d6-4ce3-83c4-c898c2a7ddbd boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
 1 c9ac1dd9-0f9d-4684-90d3-038b720fd26b boro-35.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
 2 80e44fe9-3a2b-4808-9a0f-88c3cbe7f565 boro-53.boro.hpdd.intel.com Evicted system stop
 3 a26fd44a-6089-4cc3-a06b-278a85607fd3 boro-52.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
# Restart, after evicted server restarted, verify the server joined
$ /usr/bin/dmg system query -v
 Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason
 ---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------
 0 2bf0e083-33d6-4ce3-83c4-c898c2a7ddbd /boro-8.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
 1 c9ac1dd9-0f9d-4684-90d3-038b720fd26b /boro-35.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
 2 80e44fe9-3a2b-4808-9a0f-88c3cbe7f565 /boro-53.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined
 3 a26fd44a-6089-4cc3-a06b-278a85607fd3 /boro-52.boro.hpdd.intel.com Joined


# pool reintegrate
$ dmg pool reintegrate --pool=$DAOS_POOL --rank=2
Reintegration command succeeded

# destroy container
$ daos container destroy --pool=$DAOS_POOL --cont=$DAOS_CONT

# destroy pool
$ dmg pool destroy --pool=$DAOS_POOL
Pool-destroy command succeeded

# stop clients
$ pdsh -S -w $CLIENT_NODES "sudo systemctl stop daos_agent.service"

# disable clients
$ pdsh -S -w $CLIENT_NODES "sudo systemctl disable daos_agent.service"

# stop servers
$ pdsh -S -w $SERVER_NODES "sudo systemctl stop daos_server.service"

# disable servers
$ pdsh -S -w $SERVER_NODES "sudo systemctl disable daos_server.service"

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