Interception Library Landing Criteria (wip)
Feature Branch/PR Exit Criteria
The following criteria must be met before considering landing the feature branch/PR into the master.
Exit Criteria | Status/Notes |
Test automation and CI is 100% complete with “required for version” | Some tests exist, mostly system tests, but tracking % complete pending having a test plan |
No defects with high/critical exposure or “required for version” | None, but may be more filed as testing done |
No new daily or weekly regression test failures (failures not already on master branch) | Analyze latest daily results to ensure any failures are known issues on master (AR: @Phillip Henderson) Perform weekly regression test on feature branch/PR (AR: @Phillip Henderson) |
All tests are passing for feature in weekly and daily regression tests | Perform weekly regression test on the feature branch/PR if any daily/weekly tests are added All tests written so far passing and run on PR, not daily or weekly, but pending any additional testing identified in the test plan |
Performance and scale testing executed according to test plan/required requirements. Results are reviewed and approved | Need to perform performance testing Some testing done as reported in final report, but pending any additional testing identified in the test plan |
SDL Code scans are competed (Coverity, Bandit, Checkmarx, Snyk). For all scans, all issues have been dispositioned, and the issues that are required per SDL rules have been fixed. | Run coverity on feature branch (AR: @LEI HUANG) Run Snyk on feature branch if not already being done on feature branches by default now (AR: @Ray Dennis (Deactivated)) - this probably can wait until we merge into master |
SAFE review executed if required | SAFE review is not needed |
Any new dependencies identified and Oked by ESAD OSPDT owner | No new dependencies added. |
Does not regress endurance testing from current master baseline with feature enabled | Perform SOAK testing |
Does not regress scale testing from current master baseline with feature enabled | Create a ticket with relevant information (commit/branch to test and any special considerations) and assign to Dalton. |
Manual test plans and “out-of-box experience” testing are 100% executed with “required for version”. Manual test results are recorded | Manual testing done by developer, but pending test plan for additional testing |
Feature branch is up to date with master |
Feature Completion Criteria
The following criteria must be met before considering the feature is complete
Exit Criteria | Status/Notes |
Requirements are defined in SRS Jira Project |
Design document is complete, reviewed, and approved utilizing the team template | AR: @LEI HUANG |