Interception Library Landing Criteria (wip)

Interception Library Landing Criteria (wip)


Feature Branch/PR Exit Criteria

The following criteria must be met before considering landing the feature branch/PR into the master.

Exit Criteria


Exit Criteria


Test automation and CI is 100% complete with “required for version”

Some tests exist, mostly system tests, but tracking % complete pending having a test plan

No defects with high/critical exposure or “required for version”

None, but may be more filed as testing done

No new daily or weekly regression test failures (failures not already on master branch)

Analyze latest daily results to ensure any failures are known issues on master (AR: @Phillip Henderson)
Perform weekly regression test on feature branch/PR (AR: @Phillip Henderson)

All tests are passing for feature in weekly and daily regression tests

Perform weekly regression test on the feature branch/PR if any daily/weekly tests are added
All tests written so far passing and run on PR, not daily or weekly, but pending any additional testing identified in the test plan

Performance and scale testing executed according to test plan/required requirements. Results are reviewed and approved

Need to perform performance testing
Some testing done as reported in final report, but pending any additional testing identified in the test plan
DAOS-13254: Verify performance of libpil4dfsResolved

SDL Code scans are competed (Coverity, Bandit, Checkmarx, Snyk). For all scans, all issues have been dispositioned, and the issues that are required per SDL rules have been fixed.

Run coverity on feature branch (AR: @LEI HUANG)
Run Snyk on feature branch if not already being done on feature branches by default now (AR: @Ray Dennis (Deactivated)) - this probably can wait until we merge into master

SAFE review executed if required

SAFE review is not needed

Any new dependencies identified and Oked by ESAD OSPDT owner

No new dependencies added.

Does not regress endurance testing from current master baseline with feature enabled

Does not regress scale testing from current master baseline with feature enabled

Create a ticket with relevant information (commit/branch to test and any special considerations) and assign to Dalton.

Manual test plans and “out-of-box experience” testing are 100% executed with “required for version”. Manual test results are recorded

Manual testing done by developer, but pending test plan for additional testing

Feature branch is up to date with master

Feature Completion Criteria

The following criteria must be met before considering the feature is complete