Metadata on SSD Landing Criteria

Metadata on SSD Landing Criteria

Feature Branch Exit Criteria

The following criteria must be met before considering landing the feature branch into master.

Exit Criteria


Exit Criteria


Test automation and CI is 100% complete with “required for version”

Done for 2.4

No defects with high/critical exposure or “required for version”

key summary assignee status

No new daily or weekly regression test failures in PMDK mode

daily (3 new + 9 existing ones)

All tests are passing or failure are triaged/waived/documented with MD-on-SSD feature in weekly and daily regression tests

daily (3 new + 9 existing ones)

Performance and scale testing executed according to test plan/required requirements. Results are reviewed and approved. (Lenox)


SDL Code scans are competed (Coverity, Bandit, Checkmarx, Snyk). For all scans, all issues have been dispositioned, and the issues that are required per SDL rules have been fixed.

Tickets from first pass all addressed. Will need to re-run on final code before merge.

SAFE review executed if required

SAFE review is not needed.

Any new dependencies identified and Oked by ESAD OSPDT owner

New dependence on lmdb, looks like OpenLDAP licence

No other new dependencies except PMDK allocator copied to the code.

Does not regress endurance testing from current master baseline with feature enabled

Soak test in progress. Issues under investigation.