DAOS is delivered as an RPM for multiple Linux distributions. This page contains details on building the DAOS rpm (for RPM-based Linux systems such as RedHat and CentOS).
To begin with, ensure you have the Nexus Yum repos configured, so that yum can find all needed software dependencies:
$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/choose-any-repo-name-you-like.repo [repo.dc.hpdd.intel.com_repository_daos-stack-el-7-x86_64-stable-local] name=created by dnf config-manager from https://repo.dc.hpdd.intel.com/repository/daos-stack-el-7-x86_64-stable-local baseurl=https://repo.dc.hpdd.intel.com/repository/daos-stack-el-7-x86_64-stable-local enabled=1 gpgcheck=False
Build the dependencies specified in the daos.spec file:
# yum-builddep daos.spec
Build your own DAOS RPM using the rpms scons target:
$ scons --build-deps=yes rpms