Install pre-requisites


# Run as root
yum clean all && \
yum -y install epel-release && \
yum -y upgrade && \
yum -y install \
        boost-python36-devel \
        clang-analyzer \
        cmake \
        CUnit-devel \
        doxygen \
        e2fsprogs \
        file \
        flex \
        fuse3-devel \
        gcc \
        gcc-c++ \
        git \
        golang \
        graphviz \
        hwloc-devel \
        ipmctl \
        java-1.8.0-openjdk \
        json-c-devel \
        lcov \
        libaio-devel \
        libcmocka-devel \
        libevent-devel \
        libipmctl-devel \
        libiscsi-devel \
        libtool \
        libtool-ltdl-devel \
        libunwind-devel \
        libuuid-devel \
        libyaml-devel \
        Lmod \
        lz4-devel \
        make \
        man \
        maven \
        nasm \
        ndctl \
        numactl-devel \
        openssl-devel \
        pandoc \
        patch \
        patchelf \
        pciutils \
        python3-pip \
        python36-Cython \
        python36-devel \
        python36-distro \
        python36-jira \
        python36-numpy \
        python36-paramiko \
        python36-pylint \
        python36-requests \
        python36-requests \
        python36-tabulate \
        python36-pyxattr \
        python36-scons \
        sg3_utils \
        valgrind-devel \
        yasm && \
yum clean all
yum -y install openmpi3-devel && yum clean all


# Run as root
zypper --non-interactive update && \
zypper --non-interactive install \
    boost-devel \
    clang \
    cmake \
    cunit-devel \
    curl \
    doxygen \
    flex \
    fuse3-devel \
    gcc \
    gcc-c++ \
    git \
    graphviz \
    gzip \
    hwloc-devel \
    java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel \
    libaio-devel \
    libcmocka-devel \
    libevent-devel \
    libiscsi-devel \
    libjson-c-devel \
    libltdl7 \
    liblz4-devel \
    libnuma-devel \
    libopenssl-devel \
    libtool \
    libunwind-devel \
    libuuid-devel \
    libyaml-devel \
    lua-lmod \
    make \
    man \
    maven \
    nasm \
    openmpi3-devel \
    pandoc \
    patch \
    patchelf \
    python3-devel \
    python3-distro \
    python3-pip \
    python3-pyxattr  \
    python3-PyYAML \
    python3-tabulate \
    scons \
    sg3_utils \
    valgrind-devel \
    which \
    yasm && \
    zypper clean --all

zypper --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks install --allow-unsigned-rpm lua-lmod
zypper --non-interactive install -y ipmctl-devel go1.14 go1.14-race

Daos source code

Download daos source code using the following command:

 git clone --recurse-submodules -b v1.2-rc1

Building DAOS & Dependencies

Once the sources are downloaded, the pre-requisites to build the source code can be installed by:



scons-3 --config=force --build-deps=yes install


scons --config=force --build-deps=yes install