- Tests are run using a test framework called Avocado. The version known to work with the existing tests is 69.3; if you yum install on Boro that should be the version you get.
- You need to install it on all the cluster nodes that are going to be used to run tests.
- Specifically:
- yum install python3-pip
- pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install "avocado-framework<70.0"
- pip3 install "avocado-framework-plugin-result-html<70.0"
- pip3 install "avocado-framework-plugin-varianter-yaml-to-mux<70.0"
- pip install gitpython (only needed for IOR build)
- pip install pathlib
- pip3 install clustershell
- DAOS can be installed using DAOS RPM package, also can be built locally following the instructions in the quickstart.md file.
- Tests are in $PREFIX/lib/daos/TESTING/ftest, in RPM env, $PREFIX=/usr; in local built env, $PREFIX=myrepo/install. At the top level is launch.py which simplifies running DAOS with avocado. Sub-directories contain categories of tests e.g. the pool directory contains tests relating to pools.
- A given group of tests is implemented as a combination of a python file (.py) and a yaml file (.yaml). So for example in the pool directory there is a SimpleCreateDeleteTest.py and SimplecreateDeleteTest.yaml. The python contains the test code that drives the test, and the yaml file contains the test parameters. A single function in the python file can execute a large number of test cases because its run for different combinations of inputs as found in the yaml file.
- For tests that run on multiple servers, these two files need to be accessible by remote server nodes:
- daos_avocado_test.yaml
- daos_server.attach_info_tmp
- Add section and instructions for generating a public/private key pair and using ssh-copy-id to install it on all machines you will be using in the test suite.
- Add instructions on how to add passwordless sudo on the accounts the launcher will be run on for the target hosts.
- Add instructions based on Distro of which files to copy from utils/systemd into /usr/lib/systemd to allow the test harness to use systemctl.
- Move these instructions into a file doc/dev/testing.md to make it accessible to other developers.
- Add and update examples for invoking tests as the description is no longer accurate.
- Add instructions on modifying your PYTHONPATH for the tests to have access to the daos python bindings in the in-tree build.
- Add instructions on creating /etc/daos paths needed since test harness does not use sudo on mkdir commands even though it uses sudo on cp commands.
- Add instructions to create all of the necessary groups needed by the unit files
getent group daos_metrics >/dev/null || groupadd -r daos_metrics
getent group daos_server >/dev/null || groupadd -r daos_server
getent passwd daos_server >/dev/null || useradd -s /sbin/nologin -r -g daos_server -G daos_metrics daos_server
getent group daos_agent >/dev/null || groupadd -r daos_agent
getent passwd daos_agent >/dev/null || useradd -s /sbin/nologin -r -g daos_agent daos_agent